Dan Norris on WP Curve and The 7 Day Startup – You don’t learn until you launch

Dan Norris on WP Curve and The 7 Day Startup – You don’t learn until you launch

Dan Norris is a serial entrepreneur & an overnight success icon. He is the founder of WP Curve which provides 24/7 support service for WordPress websites, an award winning blogger, author of the Amazon’s bestseller book “The 7 Day Startup” – yes, that’s one impressive list of achievements, right ?

Here’s Dan Norris Comments on the questions we asked him –

Dan Norris – The Entrepreneur

Dan NorrisHave you always known you wanted to be an entrepreneur ? Did you ever try taking up a job ?

Yeah I worked a job for 4 years out of University. I used to get pretty bored and eventually figured out if I wanted to avoid boredom I’d have to decide what I wanted to do every day. Becoming an entrepreneur was the easiest / only option I could think of.

Tell us about your WordPress journey – the where, the when , the how ?

I started our in the web industry before WordPress was popular. When CMS tools started taking off I got into WordPress, Joomla and Magento. Eventually WordPress became a clear winner, particularly for content-driven sites and small business sites which was my space. I ended up going for a WordPress specific service in 2013 with WP Curve because I saw other people doing it well (like WP Engine) and it felt like a good fit.

Dan Norris – With WP Curve

wp curveHow has WPCurve changed your life ? And you ?

I have a lot more flexibility now and work less than I did with my agency and make more money. I get to work on other projects like presenting at events, writing books and building a brewery which is nice too! I also get to work with an awesome team that is growing quickly which is exciting and it’s rewarding to help customers get real results.

Working remotely , across continents at times – how do you handle that ? Any Challenges ?

We have a lot of software (35 different tools), we try to have regular calls with my co-founder and key staff and try to catch up in person when we can. There are a lot of challenges but lots of benefits too. We write a lot about building a remote team on our blog.

What do you think is the one single reason, WPCurve has met with the success it has ?

It was a simple idea that was very referable at the right time. I think that is the main reason it’s gone well. We’ve also done a good job at executing on things quickly and learning as we go. It was an idea that I launched in 7 days and that set the scene for how we would do things.

Any crazy customer experiences that you can share with us ? No names , of course.

Hmm better not haha. We love all of our customers 🙂

Where do you see yourself and WPCurve , say, in another five years ?

I find it pretty hard to see that far ahead. I will hopefully be building businesses, helping people build their businesses and writing and speaking about it which is pretty much what I do now.

How important do you think personal branding is for an entrepreneur ? Any tips ?

I’m going through this at the moment. It’s a bit hard to say. I’m generally in favour of having a simple consumer style brand as opposed to building a personal brand. But people do love to follow other people so I’ve started going a bit more personal branding stuff as I’ve realized that. I don’t think it’s for everybody but it makes conferences a lot more fun because people come up and act like they know you!

About The 7 Day Startup

The 7 Day Startup

Any key messages from your book “The 7 Day Startup” ? If you had to sum it up in just one line, what would it be ?

You don’t learn until you launch.

Am sure a lot of people would be inspired by your story – Who inspires you though ?

Anyone doing anything creative, generally the bigger the scale the more inspiring. I’ve had people read my book and start mid 6 figure businesses as a result. Those kinds of stories inspire me the most.

2 Comments on “Dan Norris on WP Curve and The 7 Day Startup – You don’t learn until you launch

  1. Entrepreneurs rule! I’ve been one for 50 years (I’m unemployable) and enjoy my freedom, use of my God given creative thinking, and income. Thanks for sharing your journey Dan Norris 🙂

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