5 Steps to Improve Your Website Bounce Rate

5 Steps to Improve Your Website Bounce Rate

It is a good sign if people visit your website, stay for long and turn into useful leads. Lower the bounce rate, better the site performance. Bounce rate is nothing but the number (percentage) of visitors who enter your website and leave without seeing any other pages.

There are two main reasons for a high bounce rate.

1. Traffic is being misdirected to your site or

2. Visitors are finding exactly what they were looking for on your website and leaving immediately

Many website owners give more emphasis on quantity rather than quality of clicks when they analyze their Google Analytics Dashboard. But, without a second thought, quality is much more important. Reducing the bounce rate of your website can bring about effective results and raise the user engagement rate bringing about better conversion.

Some quick and easy steps to improve your website bounce rate:

Better usability and design

If your site visitors don’t find what they want in the first few seconds of their visit, it is likely they will leave your website in a jiffy. There are great websites to compete with and in today’s digitally savvy world; no user will waste their time in poorly designed site. So, your website has to have smooth and convenient usability features and an appealing design to grab visitor attention and retain it.

Generate good content

By good content, it doesn’t mean you use terms which sounds fancy but rarely heard of before. Keep your target audience in mind and accordingly create content that interests and appeals them. No spelling mistakes, correct grammar, smart tone and precision are what make the content alluring and readable. Original content will set you apart from the competition in the market. Great text with eye catching graphics is the perfect amalgamation for an effective website. Long, raving and absence of attractive graphics and content results in higher bounce rate.

Aim for less loading time

Internet users have a short attention span and will leave a site place of it takes more than 10 seconds to load. For this avoid using heavy files, videos, graphics or images. Do not select a theme which takes hours to load. Lower bounce rate is directly proportional to better and faster site speed.

Note the variations between the bounce rates

Noting down the percentage of bounce rate at regular intervals help you learn about the various online campaign’s performances and its effect on the bounce rate. If your social media campaign has noted a bounce rate of 70% while your search and paid ads have witnessed around 90%, its clear that your social media activities are yielding better results than AdWords. You can then eliminate the ones not showing any results and focus more on the campaigns or projects that are generating fruitful results.

Use New Trending keywords

Online marketing is an ever changing platform with changing consumer needs and wants. New words and trends urge you to be well informed about the latest search terms. Using the same keywords which you used 2 years ago makes no sense at all. To learn what is the latest keyword trend, use Google AdWords keyword tool. This mechanism helps you get the knowledge of all current words being searched by users that relates to your business, uplifting your website quality.

A low bounce rate is not the only thing that determines your online marketing efforts. But it is one of the major factors that reflect how far or near you are to your online marketing goals. Experience and expertise teach you various methods and tips to overcome the bounce rate issues. Begin with these five basic ones and you will learn further.

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